Terms and Conditions

Terms & Conditions

RENT A CAR IMPERIAL PARK, LDA hereafter designated as Lessor ,rents the vehicle identified in the specific conditions of the Contract(from now onwards designated as Contract),to the Client duly identified in the specific conditions( hereafter designated as lessee),on the following terms and general conditions.


1) MINIMUM RENTAL PERIOD: the minimum rental period is 3 days (72h). Delays longer than 1 hour 1 extra day rental will be charged.

2) DRIVER: be over 21 years old, with minimum driving practice of 1 year; and present a valid driving license in Portugal.

3) FUEL: vehicles must be returned with the same level of fuel as when rented. If the vehicle is not returned with the same fuel level, the customer will be charged for the outstanding amount in accordance with the value of sale on the date in question, plus 25€ of administration costs (plus the fee in force)

4) VEHICLE RENTAL PRICES: variable prices (from and according to time of year,and may change without prior notice.


a) The Lessee declares having received the vehicle in good conditions of use and cleanliness, as per the Contract, with all its equipment, accessories and documentation, and undertakes to return the vehicle in the same conditions in which has received it, at the agreed upon place date and time specified in the Contract).

b) If the vehicle appears to have been or is used in violation of the Contract, the lessor may terminate the Contract, and the Lessee is required to return the vehicle at the agreed upon place specified on the Contract; otherwise  , and according to the law, the Lessor reserves the right to retrieve the rented vehicle at Lessee’s expenses.

c)  If the Lessee wishes to extend the rental period, the Lessee must contact the Lessor in order ro verify the extension´s possibility also being informed about the update conditions in the moment of the Contract modification, which requires the Lessor`s approval.

d) The Lessor is not at all responsible before the Lessee nor before any other passenger, for neither the disappearance nr any damage in any objects that may have been left behind in the vehicle. This applies during the rental period and thereof.

e) In case of an early return, the Lessee shall notify the Lessor no less than 12th beforehand, otherwise a fee equal to 50% of the price of days not used by the lessee may be applied. f)In case of the Lessee returning the vehicle after the agreed date and time per the Contract, a fee of 10,00 € may be applied per hour. g)In case the Lessee returns the vehicle in a different branch than the one designated on the Contract, within a perimeter of 20 kms, without previous notice up to 12 hours, before the vehicle return, a fee of 15 euros may be applied. If the delivery takes place at a branch located at the airport, a surcharge of 12% of the total rental price will be added.

6) USE OF THE VEHICLE: the Lessee must ensure that the vehicle is duly closed, loked and parked in a secure place when it`s not being used; To use only the correct type of fuel; That any security devices available on the vehicle are activated and correctly used. The Lessee undertakes not to use or not to allow anyone to use the vehicle in any of the following situations: Transporting passengers or goods in breach of the law; in racing, any kind of competitions or practice sessions, ether they are official events or not; Not to allow the use by any person whilst under the influence of alcoholic drinks, drugs or any other substance which directly or indirectly affects his/her perceptions and ability to react; not allow the use by non-authorized people who have not been specifically identified in the Contract or in any attachment; Its not allowed to cross islands ( Madeira and Porto Santo) without previous authorization by the Lessor.

7) VEHICLE MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS: In the event of any vehicle breakdown, repairs cn only be made with previous authorization from the Lessor.

8) SERVICES ( Insurance and Extras):

a) COLLISION DAMAGE COVERAGE (CDW): in case of accident or damage to the vehicle, (except wheels, tires, windshield, mirrors and windows) the customer is responsible up to the minimum franchise. (Value of the franchise in article 6.6 of this agreement and will correspond to the group that owns the vehicle the customer has rented). This insurance has a daily value of €10.00.

b) THEFT PROTECTION (TP): in case of total or partial theft of the vehicle, the customer is responsible up to the limit of the minimum deductible. (Value of the franchise in article 6.6 of this agreement and will correspond to the group that owns the vehicle the customer has rented). This insurance has a daily value of €5.00.

c) PERSONAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE (PAI): covers death or disability and medical expenses for driver and passengers. This insurance has a daily value of €5.00.

d) SUPER EXEMPTION OF FRANCHISE (SCDW): eliminates the value of the franchise, so that the customer does not have to be responsible for paying any amount in case of suffering an accident or damage to the vehicle. This insurance has a daily value of €15.00/per day.

e) DEPOSITS: VARIABLE PRICES: Group A – from €1000.00; Group B – from €1200.00; Group C – from 1500.00; Group D – from €1800.00.
f) FRANCHISE: VARIABLE PRICES: Group A – from €1000.00; Group B – from €1200.00; Group C – from €1500.00; Group D – from €1800.00.

g) SERVICE SUPPLEMENT (PICK UP/ DROP-OFF): has an additional cost of €25.00 if at airport, and 20 euros if/till São Martinho

h) EXTRAS AT AN ADDITIONAL COST: BABY SEAT €7.00, (prices per day, VAT included, services available on the website or at the time of booking), child seat 5€.

i) OUT OF HOURS FEE: delivery or collection of the vehicle, between 08:00 PM AND 8:00 AM, add the value of €25.00 per displacement.

j) PRICES INCLUDE: VAT, limited liability insurance, 24H maintenance and travel assistance.

K) PRICES DO NOT INCLUDE: parking expenses, fines, fuel and loss of documents, in this case the customer will be charged the amount of €250.00 for issuing the same, loss of keys 350.00€, the customer will always be responsible for all damages caused to third parties or to the rented vehicle whenever:
1) Be driven by a person who is not legally qualified or authorized by RENT A CAR IMPERIAL PARK, LDA.
2) Suffer damages intentionally caused by the customer or person for whom he is responsible.
3) It is driven by a person under the influence of alcohol, drugs or suffering from mental insanity.
4) Be used in sports events, rally, challenges, competitions, etc.
5) Suffer an accident and the same is not reported to name EMPRESA, LDA. As soon as possible.
6) Suffer acts of vandalism, such as broken windows, burst tires or damaged wheels.
7) Burst of tires and bottom of the vehicle (Ex: bottom of the engine).
8) Negligent driving and damage caused by it.
9) Placing the wrong fuel in the vehicle
10) Driving in contra ways
11) The customer is responsible for all viral infractions committed.

9) IN CASE OF AN ACCIDENT: the lessee must, should call the authorities (112) and communicate RENT A CAR IMPERIAL PARK, LDA within the next 24 hours. The lessee is obliged to complete the friendly accident declaration with as much data as possible, otherwise, the CDW, PAI, TP e SCDW insurance options will be considered null and void. The lessee undertakes to cooperate with (RENT A CAR IMPERIAL PARK, LDA.) and its insurers in any subsequent investigation or legal proceeding.

10) Any editions or changes to the terms and conditions of this document will be void unless they have been agreed in writing.

11) RENT A CAR IMPERIAL PARK, LDA. is not responsible for accidents that are not reported to the police. CDW, TP and SCDW does not cover damage to tires, windows and locks, as well as accidents caused by speeding, and or damage caused by the effects of alcohol or drugs.

12) RENT A CAR IMPERIAL PARK, LDA. is not responsible to the lessee or any passenger for the loss or damage caused to personal property carried or left in the vehicle, either during the rental period , or after the same.

13) DATA PROTECTION: The personal data provided y the Lessee and driver<8s9 will be collected and processed by the Lessor, which is the entity responsible for its treatment, and will be used solely and exclusively for the following purposes of the execution and fulfilment of pre-Contractual and Contractual obligations, in particular for the management of reservations and rental of vehicles; Compliance with legal obligations; Management of the Contractual relationship with the Lessee and driver(s),namely for the purposes of contracts for administrative and/or operational reasons, including handling vehicle damage, accidents and road traffic offenses. The lessee authorizes the introduction of his personal data in a file of the lessor for processing it in the scope of the purpose of this form and concretely, for marketing purposes, customer satisfaction surveys and informing about products and services, according to compliance with the general regulation on data protection (LAW N° 58/2019, of August 8). The lessee may exercise the rights over their data provided by law by registered letter sent to RENT A CAR IMPERIAL PARK, LDA, or to the email address rentacarimperialpark@hotmail.com

14)EXERCISE OF RIGHTS: this establishment has a complaint book, both in physical and electronic (WWW.LIVRODERECLAMACOES.PT) as provided by DECREE-LAW N° 156/2005, of September 15, amended by DECREE-LAW N° 74/2017, of June 21. The lessee may also send his complaint to the mobility and transport authority by email: RECLAMACOES@AMT-AUTORIDADE.PT
In compliance with the provisions of law nº 144/2015 of September 8th,2015,the Consumer is hereby informed of the existence of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms(RAL),namely through the “Centro de Arbitragem de Conflitos de Consumo da Região Autónoma da Madeira”(CACCRAM), with the e-mail centroarbitragem.sre@madeira.gov.pt, with the head offices at Rua Direita Nº 27, 1º. Esq, 9050-194 Funchal. This information is not binding on the Contracting entity to adhere to the alternative dispute resolution.

15) INFORMATION AND COMUNICATION DUTY: The Lessee acknowledges that all causes contained in this Contract were timely and expressly communicated and explained, and that became duly aware of them and accepted them in full, and therefore signs this Contract. The Lessee accepts that his/her signature will be registered in any durable medium, with all legal effects and consequences, under the terms and for the purposes of the law.